
December 2021

You are the Light of the World

Hello to you all.
As we reach the end of another difficult year and the Christmas celebration approaches, it is perhaps a time to reflect on all that has gone by.
So much has changed for so many of us, while some things also remain the same.
Yet it is also a time to revisit those dreams and hopes that have yet to manifest for us, at times perhaps seeming to be as far away as ever.
Never give up on yourself and your capacity to make a huge difference, to quietly and patiently stay faithful (full of faith) to your highest visions and ideas. If can give birth to beautiful ideas you can become them and live in them.
As we celebrate the birth of one who did just that then it is our turn to do likewise, to become the wishes we create, to go on in the pursuit of our dreams and to be a focus for all that is good and loving, kind and healing.
Remember always that you are the light of the world. The world needs your light right now. As my perception grew of the shining light I observed in individual auras, so too did my realisation of the hidden magnificence and glorious power we all possess.
As I outline here my work offered to you for the coming months, I do so because, I believe in you and what you can do. I so truly do. It is my belief in the wonder of you that inspires me.
I love every one of you who reads this letter (and those who don’t) and encourage you to give birth to the wonderful contents waiting in the treasure chest of your mind and heart.
I look forward to working with you.
Thank you for being there.

News and Dates Winter and Spring 2022

First a little news.


There will be two new recordings on my website in the coming weeks. One you can download for free is a “Meditation on The Human Aura”, another is a meditational exercise on “Healing Relationships”.
I have also recorded for my You Tube channel some short talks and discussions on “The Aura”, “The Chakras” complete with a meditation, and “The Bewilderment” which is an outline of the current times and the challenges we are encountering. There are also two interviews, one a lively session I did recently on the “Spiritual Talk” channel and another interview from a few years ago. I plan to add to these over time and for a link to my You Tube Channel go to the Videos page.
Please pay us a visit on You Tube and subscribe and like as it helps the ideas to reach more of those who are searching for understanding.