
Dreams, Visions, Power and Love

‘Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the Life you imagine’ – Thoreau
For a very long time, the human race on earth has been largely asleep to its true magnificent, greater nature and its unlimited potential. Apart from the revelations of a few avatars and masters, most of us live a re-active life, often the apparent victims of circumstances rather than being the loving, wise, powerful creators we are, but had rather forgotten to be. We are, to tweak Shakespeare, truly the stuff that dreams are made of.
In the ‘Self-Mastery’ programme, of which this is the first course, I bring together many of the key elements from the teaching I have given over the last 30 or more years and, along with new insights I have gained more recently, offering a programme of tools, strategies and practices for greater self-realisation and self-mastery. Much of it is simple, perhaps obvious; much is not. It is all based upon my own experience, my successes and failures (which are perhaps the greatest teachers) and my perception of auras, energies, fields of potential and thought forms.
The main elements introduced on this first course are –
  1. The ‘I AM’ Self or the King / Christ / soul within.
  2. Effective soul awareness meditation practice.
  3. Consciousness and the Infinite Library of Archetypes and Matrices.
  4. The Field of Potential.
  5. Thought Processes and the Creation of the Outer Reality.
  6. Methods for managing thinking, removing limiting thought programmes and beliefs and re-programming the soul / subconscious mind.
  7. Observation, inter-action and creation, and the chakra system.
The course will be a mixture of lectures, meditation and observing exercises and personal experimentation in the quest for a deepening understanding, greater empowerment and the first steps to more conscious empowered living.
I look forward to working with you on this journey to transformation.